Weekend Workouts
Well, it may not be my typical workout at Fletcher, but I do have a busy mind-workout ahead for this weekend. Today alone I have already gone to class, taken a post-exam for geology, and tried to eat a quick 15 minute lunch! Later on I will be setting up my classroom and the physiology models for tomorrow's Science Olympiad. Afterwards I will be meeting with my NRHH advisor to discuss end of the year banquet and the pre-awards on Sunday. We will also be collecting OTY's all day until midnight tonight. Yay. Tomorrow, as I have said is Science Olympiad, and after that I need to write three papers... woot. I'd also like to buy some sandals and some other summery types of things this weekend--if I get a chance to! :)
Anyway, an exciting piece of news is that Jim ordered our centerpieces last night! I can't wait 'till they come! The only problem is, is that they didn't have the amount we needed. So, since Jim and I liked them so much, we decided it would be fun to mix and match another centerpiece that looks similar to the ones we ordered. We're going on the flowers and candles theme... so it shouldn't be too hard to find something just as pretty as the holder we already have. :)
Well, that's all for now folks... oh and koodos to Jim for doing a great job cooking for the international program last night! It smelled good even before you cooked it! :)