Monday, August 28, 2006

Millford Hills

All day Sunday I volunteered to help my dad as a volunteer at Millford Hills Hunting Club in Watertown to raise some money for the school's wrestling team. I have volunteered once before in the past but have found more enjoyment this year as opposed to the last time. It was very interesting talking with the people as they came around to my station to hit clay birds. Every year Millford Hills hosts this national championship and with it comes hundreds of shooters who pay between $300 and $500 to be there to see who's the best. My job was easy. I said hi, explained where the birds were coming from and let them view them as well, I fired the birds they would shoot at, and then gave them a score of how many they hit. Easy. These people are very competitive and my station was probably a very tough one. I received a lot of cards with perfect scores on them and felt badly if they missed one at my station. One man in particular that I noticed had a fancy white shooting glove on that was made for two fingers and a thumb. This man was missing most of his right hand and had a glove made specially for him. He got up to my station and shot a perfect score. Later on I found out from my dad who was working the main event with the hired judges that that same man was last year's champion of the overall competition.

Overall, I had a great time and would do it again... except for the flies... they are quite annoying! :)

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


This goes out to Jim. Thank you for being such a great fiance and friend. You have the patience of a god and you probably understand me better than I understand myself. I'm so looking forward to becoming your wife... I wish the wedding were closer!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First Encounters of the Parent Kind

This Saturday both my parents and Jim's parents are getting together at my mom and dad's house to have some grub and talk a bit. I must admit I do have some worries about this. I think all four people's personalities are great in that, if nothing bad happens, they may become fast friends! (I am hoping for this!) However, and I think I can speak for Jim as well when I say this, I am afraid that this first encounter could lead to wedding discussion of the ultimate kind and monetary kind. I don't know, we'll see!!! (Wish us luck!... we may need it to survive Saturday!)

My Poor Car!

Not two weekends ago my car blew its rear passenger-side tire while I was on the freeway driving back to Oshkosh. Luckily, I was only about six miles away from the Oshkosh exit! However, as I am a non-cell phone owner, I did face quite a perplexity. Lining the freeway was a solid mass of barbed wire running up wooden stock poles about four to five feet tall... could I have climbed it... possibly, but not sensibly. Other options? I wasn't about to walk to the next exit on the side of the freeway so, I drove about two miles per hour partially on the gravel so the rim of the flat had a little flexibility underneath it, and parked on the next exit's off ramp. I walked the rest of the way to a pay phone and called Jim. :) He came right away and helped me put a spare on. I guess I was pretty lucky; according to the guy who fixed my tire, he thought that by the look of the tire, I could have easily lost control and gone completely off the road. I guess someone was watching out for me! (Or, possibly, could it be... I am a good driver?!) ((Jim--don't answer that! :) ))

Friday, August 04, 2006


I have learned a very valuable lesson in the last few days. That is to say that when things go wrong, it isn't necessarily good to point fingers and accuse others instead of first looking at yourself. You see, I 'misplaced' a package when it was really my fault, not the delivery service or the seller's fault, when I accidentally sent it to the wrong address. Next, it is my fault, not those nice people in the wrong house that I went to who tried to help me find the package. Needless to say, when I thought the people were feeding me a line, they were actually telling me the truth and I was asking the people next door to those who I should have been asking. My apologies to everyone involved and thanks for whatever help you were able to give.

Hopefully, the package will be gotten from the correct home to which it came and this will all be settled.

Until then, my dear readers, I will most likely not post until after my trip with Jim to Indiana to pick up his car.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Car, Box, Jim

First off, I will begin an adventure today at around 4p when I take my car into a repair shop without the help of my dad for the first time ever. I've been told by reliable sources that this Automotive Specialists shop is very good and that I should come away with a good experience.

Secondly, my ebay package for Jim has finally been located! After a few calls yesterday, I finally figured out that the primary shipping address that was listed in Jim's ebay account was changed a little too late before the seller used it to ship it out. No wonder I didn't recieve it! Well it ended up at Jim's old undergrad apartment just down the road from the campus.... not four blocks away! Koodos for me for having a successful search!

Lastly, Jim arrives back from Texas tonight. He will have a three hour (or so) layaway in Chicago and then catch a 20 minute flight back to Milwaukee where he will be picked up by a mutual friend of ours. This Saturday he and I will make the long journey to Indiana (it's actually only about three hours to get there) to retreive his car from the autobody shop. Jim has had such bad luck recently that I have conspired to buy a lucky rabit's foot for him! Actually, between his car breaking down and losing his luggage for a few hours, his luck hasn't completely drained out... but I bet it was beginning to wear thin! Well, as always, I can't wait to see him and hear all about his trip and maybe even see some pictures!