Thursday, February 23, 2006

When School Doesn't Fit into a 24 Hour Period...

Lately I've been giving a lot of thought to the load of course work and knowledge that is bestowed upon us students. Compared to twenty years ago, science students, for instance, have an insanly greater amount of knowledge to understand and remember. This semester for I and many many others seems to be so busy that along with not having a life, sleep has also been compromised for more study time. It seems to me as though the amount of time in class outweighs the amount of time possible for any work/study for those courses. I told someone today after finding that I had forgotten to read Othello for my Shakespeare class and had to take a quiz on it that I was so busy that I realized I may just be one credit over the limit of what I could handle time-wise. Could this be possible? Certainly... the problem arises when people not in your shoes tells you to stop whining and that it can't really be that bad. If there are people out there like me right now, our immune systems are being supressed by sleepless nights of studying to get those papers in the next day. Why, we ask ourselves, didn't we start them the week before? Oh yes, I remember now, because I was busy doing other homework until 3am before my 8am class the next morning!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


So, every year we get a blizzard of some sort. This year, the weather stations were sure to make us very aware and prepared for the upcoming storm. Eight to twelve inches were predicted and near to blizzard-like conditions were advertised. Looking outside, I have learned that no matter how blizzard-like it can be, snow days only exist in elementary school.... not college! :) No matter, it's fun to trudge in the snow to class, it's like an adventure.

Also, one word about exams. I misunderstood the purpose for exams. I believed that they were to test what you had learned. I recently took a chem exam that not only tested what I knew but also was designed for the brilliantly talented in class. There are only 6 chem majors in a pit class of 150 students. The rest of us are from other majors... I am a biology major that will never have to take a 5-credit biology class, but I will need to take two 5-credit chem classes. I will be teaching middle school. Enough said.

Yay for snow!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Little Thing Called Love

When I was a little girl, I, like many other little girls at the time, played house and pretended to be married. All grown up, I never thought I would marry; I simply never thought I would find him out there. It's not like I was picky or anything, but I knew that if it ever were to happen I would just feel it. Wow, was I right! After meeting this man for the first time I must have looked like I had radiation poisoning I was glowing so brightly! I was so excited and energized that I ran (more like broke into) my best friend's place and woke her up to explain everything that had happened. I had never felt so blown away by one man and was never ever so excited when he asked me to go on another date with him.
Today, I had my first college Shakespear class and in it we were discussing the type of relationship Macbeth and his wife had throughout the play. This was when our professor noted that relationships are quite different today than they were centuries ago. Today, she explained, you hope to marry not only someone you love, but also your best friend. And as I heard this, I couldn't help but smile and blush because I was asked to marry a man who is not only someone I cherish and love so dearly but who is also my best friend.
Jim Droste proposed to me this past New Year's Eve in the park near the river while on a walking route we take often... and every part of me said 'yes'!!! I simply can't imagine being with anyone else but him. :) (*Smiling*) I cannot think of a time that I have been happier!