The Once and Future King
Recently, Jim told me that the book The Once and Future King is being made into a movie to be released in theatres sometime next summer. After reading the book for a third or fourth time, I have decided that either this movie is going to be more than three hours long or won't be a very good movie. First off, since it is a movie, the cinima will no doubt emphasize the fighting and jousting between the knights, and the love making between Guenivere and Lancelot. The book wasn't about that. It was purely about the creation of justice through the time of Aurthur's reign and how that very same justice worked against him. Another point I'd like to make is that the Once and Future King actually consists of four books in one, and a fifth book about Merlin that they published separate from the others. In order to convey the story correctly, I have a feeling that it may be made into a 'Lord of the Rings' look-alike in that three movies will be made encompassing the main points of the book. If they intend on not doing it that way, they should stop now or another crappy movie from this decade will be made by fitting in a lifetime into two and a half short cinima hours. Although I have my doubts, ...I will still be one of the first to see it in the theatres.
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