Hello there! Sorry I haven't written in a month but, truth be told, I have been extremely busy. If you haven't already guessed, school has begun and is in full swing. I have found my year to have gotten off on the right track very strongly; however, collectively, my classes do present quite a challenge. I am having a difficult time balancing my academics with my job which can be due to many things. First, my classes are following a prescribed routine for budget-cuts and so everything is on the computer including much more homework than I am used to. I am entirely too comfortable with coming to class expecting the teacher to hand to us what worksheets we need and so remembering to print them off is a struggle. My job is going well for the most part. I can definately tell that I am the veteran and oldest. I don't know how people have done the CA job for more than three years! Currently I know my supervisor is expecting more from me... such as programming but I feel as though I am forcing my being a CA this year. I was not really sure that I had wanted to do it again for another year but knew that in my current financial standing I really did not have a choice. Besides, I was one of those lucky college kids who found it very nearly impossible to claim a summer job. I have also noticed how my exhileration and excitement for all aspects of the job have waned severely and that I have been, once again, 'going through the motions.' My goal, however, is to make this year a blast for my residents and make it a memorable last for myself.
I have since spoken about a very special person in my life who doubles not only as a boyfriend but as a bestfriend and confidont. He too is a blogger and on occasion I will visit his page and comment on things. Lately, he has been extremely busy with his position as a Hall Director on campus in two halls. This would seem easy if he did not have to train a new Assistant Hall Director, lead two staffs, hold office hours in two separate halls everyday, and still carry on with his normal life. After reading some of his own views and opinions on his work, I have come to realize that even with what little time he has to himself, he still is able to spend some with me. I think about this because we have spent a lot of time together recently and when he told me he wanted some time to himself for the night I was a little saddened that he did not want to do anything with me like usual. I was not trying to be selfish, I had just gotten into the routine of hanging out and doing things with him almost everytime he had time to give. I normally think about how much time he has to himself but had not factored that thought in for a while. So, after all this time, I am so thankful and very greatful that he has given me so much of his time that, since it is limited, is so very precious.
Another and last thing I have been thinking about was actually brought up by the same aforementioned man. I had explained to him my worries about some classes in my degree and he had asked me if I was certain that I was in the correct major of study. This scares me, a lot. It only scares me because it is my fourth year in school and I still have two and maybe a half years to go and to second guess myself now in the game is not good. However, since this has been whirrling around in my head a lot, I have had plenty of time to think about it and here's what I think. I love what I do and what I will be doing. I am going into a field where I know that I will not be the best but I will be up there with them because I am enthused, intriqued, and thoroughly caring about my career choice. Not to mention, everyone in my place gets the gitters about school and classes. I think back to when I was a music major and people were having to retake the same classes over and over again just to go on to the next class. I also know that I learn from the material and I do not just browse it to get to the next phase of classes.
Anyway, that's all for now folks. Hopefully my next few posts won't be as full as these past ones have. :)
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