Hi there. For those of you reading this first blog of mine, you may be suprised to see I've begun with a greeting and small introduction since they seem customary of bloggers, I figured I shall follow suit. Right off the bat, I am going to say that this is not my first attempt at a blog log. No, no... I've tried once before; however, I am not the most computer savvy person ever and so that lasted all of about a week until I became so confused, I began all over again! I also do spell words wrong every now and then, so all you writers out there, do not be affended if I do just that for there may be many! So, as I scratch my head thinking I should have thought of this earlier, what will be posted in my blog log? Good question! I guess anything I feel. I may comment on other's blogs; re-cap and possibly add to my own past blogs; write thoughts, opinions, observations, questions, and so on; or I may not write anything at all. But I do promis to make a valiant effort to write at least a few times a week. For me, it's not the amount of information I have to write about... but the amount of time I have to do it in!
Now, a little background on me! Currently it is a hot ol' summer here in Wisonsin and quite dry. I only have a partial week left of summer enjoyment before my duties as a Community Advisor commence and then school just shortly after that. I have recently changed halls on campus and will be looking after about 60 students ranging from first years to fourth years. There will be a surplus of topics to write about when my residents move in and drama will most likely be one of them at the top! Otherwise I will continue to study education, biology, and english (writing). During any time that I may possibly have to myself, I hope to create an exercise program which will suit me and my weak knees. I also look forward to continueing a fun and loving relationship with my boyfriend Jim.
Other than that I will have to let you know! Stay tuned for more Pint-Sized Posts!
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